My custom tonewheel sets for the SK series and XK1c are available for free download over on the Hammond Organ USA site.
Look at the left-most column about one-third of the way down for Jim Alfredson’s Custom Tonewheel Settings.
The custom tonewheel sets are based on my beautiful 1954 Hammond C2 that graces my humble home studio. You can hear that organ on organissimo’s Dedicated CD. It’s one of my favorite Hammonds with a full, rich, thick tone especially in the upper end. You can read more about how I created the set and watch comparison videos between the SK2 and the Hammond C2 in this post.
1954 Hammond C2 vs 2012 Hammond SK2
When you download and install the set, please let me know what you think below!
I also have sets for the XK3 and XK3c. Email me or leave a comment below for more details.
Hi Jim!
Thanks for all the good information you have on your web site and lots of places on the internet.
I would like to have your tone wheel set files for the XK3c. Could you send it to me?.. or how can I get it?
Thanks Jim
I have a XK-1c. I am assuming your setup file will also work for this synth? Will other SK-1 voice libraries on the page you indicated also work for the XK-1c? Also, I am transitioning from the XM-2/XMc-2 and really want to get the same B-3 sound and the nice pop sounds from the percussion (first button push named 2). Any advice.
Thank you so much
The setup files for the SK series and the XK1c are not compatible. I did make a tonewheel set specifically for the XK1c, which is available via Hammond. The XK1c does not have the extra voice capabilities of the SK series, so no the voice libraries will not work.
THere are no setup files for XK1c on the Hammond Site
Hmmm… they were there when I posted the article. I’ll email them and see what’s up.
I bought the xk-1c as well and interrested in the setup files, can you e-mail them?
Sure. Shoot me an email via this website (link on the main page, upper right).
Hi Jim. I’ve been working with the Hammond team on this as well. Apparently there are a couple issues with the board. One is that certain flash drives aren’t being recognized, but I think they took down the tone wheel sets because they are waiting on some FW update from Japan that will help load less destructively. Not sure of the timeframe yet.
I bought a xk1c yesterday here in New York. I wanted to load your setup file. I tried a PNY flash drive and now a lexar flash drive. It’s been an hour and the xk1c display still has “confirming USB….Please wait”.
I sense that something is not working correctly here. Any information about what drive are compatible?
John Williams
It’s been a couple weeks now and I’ve yet t hear back from the Hammond team. At their request I had sent two different PNY and one San Disk sticks that showed the same format problem that John (and others I understand) had. I’ll be giving them a ping this week to see what’s up. Frustrating not to be able to perform system updates smoothly and not to be able to load Jim’s custom tone wheel set. I do see it’s back on the Hammond site. Hopefully that’s a sign of progress!
Other than this issue I have had no problems. From a performance perspective I do love the board overall.
Has anyone heard anything about how to solve my problem with compatible Falsh drice on the XK1c? I called Hammond Suzuki they said they woud be working on it and get back to me. Havent heard anything from them. I tried an addtional 1 gb lexar flash since no luck hving tried pny and lexar and one other no name brand I am out of ideas.
I use a Verbatim 4GB Clip-It USB stick on both my SK2 and my XK1c successfully. Might be worth a shot.
Hi all, have just tested an S/W update that addresses the XK1c USB drive compatibility issue…and will be posting it on our website by Friday.
Regarding Jim’s tone-wheel set, as Jim mentioned there is a difference between the Sk and XK patch saving process. And this initially caused some confusion. we will be updating that by the end of this week as well. Please feel to email and ask any questions at
Jim, thank you for being the player and partner that you are…
Gregg – Hammond USA
Thank you for the clarification, Gregg!
Hi. Any USB stick does not seem to work. I have tried:
1. Sandisk 16GB
2. Kingston 16GB
3. Kingston 8 GB
4. Sandisk 4 GB
5. Some random 4GB
6. Some oldschool 256MB
7. Sony 16GB
All sticks keep “Confirming USB”.
All sticks in FAT32 filesystem. Hammond seems to able only write Folders: hammond > xk-1c > System and that’s all.
With 4GB Sandisk it kept “Confirming USB” for 1,5h and still nothing.
Is there some special attributes to the filesystem that hammmond likes? Maybe there is a way to create right setting manually so hammond does not need to Confirm it everytime?
Try the Verbatim Clip-It series. They work in both my SK and XK1c.
Ordered one of these on your recommendation and it doesn’t work in my XK-1c 🙁
That’s very odd. Can you tell me what MAIN OS version your XK1c is running?
Where can I find this out? I can check tmo at rehearsal. The unit is only 1 month old, so I assume it’s the latest.
Hi Rico,
This is an issue that many have apparently seen, including me.
Hammond just applied a FW patch to address the issue. As I understand it, it has something to do with files or the file structure already in place from the manufacturer of the stick drives when the Xk1c goes to read the drive. In any event, I had sent some sticks in to Hammond for them to use as mules to verify a fix. I just got them back with the fix applied. I haven’t performed the update yet but will try this evening and report my result here.
In the meantime I expect that the fix either has been or shortly will be available on the Hammond site as a system update.
More to come…
Hi. I have formatted and done every sorcery there is with those sticks but still nothing.
When I manually created all all the folders that I know of and uploaded system upgrade files to system folder I was able to update the system (main 1.008) but the “confirming” issue is still there.
It would be good to know what’s the fix to this.
I have the same problem the XK!c gets stuck at the “confirming USB….” stage. I have tried PNY, Lexar, Kingston, Multiple drives of each…nothing works.
I have called Hammond four times. each times they sayh a fix is coming out last time they pormised to get the fix to me that very day. I never heard anything.
It would be a great feature but if it doesnt work why cant they fix it or just say they cant fix it?
Has anyone else having this failure gottne the fix for it?
John in Brooklyn
Try the Verbatim Clip-It series.
Once you find a USB stick that works, the latest OS update helps with further compatibility.
Hello Jim,
I have enjoyed learning about you and watching your videos online. I am now the proud owner of the SK1-73, and am enjoying your special tonewheel sets.
If you don’t mind a a very basic question from a neophyte:
Do your tonewheel settings affect the entire collection of organ user presets found in the range (U1-U100) in the SK1, or do they affect only the patches that you have customized: (U1- U11, U16)?
Noam Eisen
The custom tonewheel set is only on the presets that I customized. In order to apply the tonewheel set to other patches, you just need to edit the patch and then overwrite it.
Hammond changed the website, now I can’t find the SK tonewheel set on the SK Voice Library page. Is there an alternate link somewhere?
Shoot me an email. b3groover at gmail dot com.
I too would love to get a copy of the xk1c tone wheel presets. I was also unable to find them on the Hammond site.
Thank you,
Hi everybody,
links to Jim’s SK tonewheels are always available on the European site of Hammond ( But the Jim’s SK setup has disapeared from both sites.
There is also a 8.4 release of the SK system which is available on the European site and not on the US.
I have a question. Is it possible to get upper drawbars activated / lower drawbars deactivated for one patch, and conversely for another patch? (in patch load menu) For the moment I didn’t success with that. When I activate upper drawbar / deactivate lower drawbars, this apply for all patches.
Thanks and all the best.
just to correct my purpose because I was a little wrong. Jim’s SK setup is included in what is called “Jim Alfredson’s Custom Tonewheel Settings” available on Hammond EU site (Voice Libraries part).
Are these the files?
For the SK series, yes. They took down the XK1c files for some reason. But if you want that, just shoot me an email.
Downloaded and installed your tonewheel sets for the SK1. Both are big improvments – thanks so much for making your hard work available to all. Out of curiosity, which of the two sets more accurately represents your 1954 C2? What are the differences? I created two identical patches for comparison – both bypassing the Leslie effect; reverb, overdrive, percussion, and cho/vib all off. Set #2 is noticeably louder and maybe a little “dirtier” to my ears.
I’m glad you’re digging the set! I would say set 2 is more authentic to the C2. Set 1 was my first attempt and there are things about it I really like, but set 2 is closer.
That’s the one I keep coming back to. It screams! Thanks again.
Hi Jim, After watching your video’s on line, I’ve been trying to find tweaked tone wheel settings for the XK3C, but with out any success. If you could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.
Thanks for sharing your experience with struggling newbies.
Just shoot me an email at b3groover at gmail dot com.
How do i install the file on sk2?
If you’re talking about the setup file, format a USB stick in the SK2. Insert the stick into your computer and copy the setup file to the hammond/setup directory. Return the stick to the SK2 and follow the instructions on how to load a setup file. WARNING: The file will overwrite all the user presets, though just the first 10 are changed to my own custom presets (using the custom tonewheel set I created).
Can anybody send me the Tonewheel sets for the Hammond Xk-1c?
Check your email!
Has anybody solved the USB issue yet on XK1C?
Tried loads of usb sticks no good!
Not possible to apply update till you can get a usb to work.
Would love to add tone wheel set for XK1C Jim ( can you email the set?) but cannot till usb working.
Have E-mailed Hammond but no response.
I would call Hammond directly. Phone: (630)543-0277
Kingston DTSE9 16G worked for me.
I contacted hammond on that problem. It took them a long time to finally respond. They sent me a usb stick with the upgrade on it. The problem is that the usb stick has to be formatted before you can upgrade your xk, but you can’t upgrade because sticks dont have hammond format. You could take your stick to a music store and ask if you could format your stick pn sn xk or sk. Then you wouldn’t have to wait for hammond.
I have had no luck finding the XK-1c Tonewheel sets. I’d appreciate any help.
Thank you,
Paul, shoot me an email at b3groover at gmail dot com.
Hello Jim,
Can you send me your Tonewheel settings for the XK-1c? I love your music and you are a true ambassador for the (funky) Hammond sound.
Hello, I have the Sk1. I have been trying to figure out for days how to save patches from the Hammond’s custom setups into my own library/favorites. For instance, I like a rhodes patch, a grand piano patch and an upright piano patch in the PRO PIANO custom setup. I want to save those… – Go back and load in the “Pro Standard Setup” (or what have you) and pick a sound or two and save that.
At this point the manual is a headache and I’m at beginner level for some terminology and the SK1’s interface. So, if there is an answer, the dumbest explanation would be most helpful lol. My apologizes and appreciation!